Tuesday, 4 June 2013


D1 Evaluate interpersonal and written communication techniques

Interpersonal and Written communication techniques
Written communication skills:
 In my assignments I had used different techniques to communicate with other tutors and students such :
-Email - We had to use email at the start of the course to submit the assignments and to keep in touch with tutors. Then they have created 3D learning which is more efficient because you have all the units specification and gradebook in one place. Email is a good way to get in touch with tutors or students because this is the fastest way to reach them. Also is important because you can sent to tutors electronic files such as documents for assignments, a spread sheet
-Written communication - grammar and spelling are very important for all the work that I produce because if you don't use the right terminology the work will make no sense. Often after I finish assignments I ask some people to proofread my work because this is the best way to find errors that you personal will might not be able to found.
-Face to face communication - I'm using face to face communication every day with students talking about different subject or class work and also with tutors about what I have to fix for my assignments.
 Body language the opportunity to watch body language to another person is the benefit of face to face communication. You can assess the other person tone of voice, eye contact and gestures.I'm using body language on a face to face communication when I have to present something to an audience because this makes you get people confidence and make him believe that is right what you are tyring to explain
Interpersonal skills:
A good example of interpersonal skills is positive language. For example when I receive feedback from my tutor I always take it as a positive feedback because I have to agree that is not correct and that I need to improve the assignment. Another intrepersonal skills could be listening skills and this is happen when we interpret both verval and no verbal messages sent by another person.

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