Tuesday, 11 June 2013


 P4 Demonstrate a range of effective interpersonal skills

Hi, I'm George and I'm 20 years old. I came from Romania three years ago to study ICT for a better future. I'm a well-motivated and energetic individual who possesses good interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively on all levels within an organisation. Can participate effectively into teamwork and use own initiative when required. A flexible individual who enjoys the challenges of meeting deadlines and targets.

The reason that i chose to study ICT is because from when i had an attraction for computer. This was starting by fixing hardware components then I developed my skills by installing programs such as operating systems, utilities, anti virus etc. I chose to go on this path for my future because i enjoy doing this everyday at anytime so if I keep doing my work I will achieve my goal. After i finish level 3 I will continue to study ICT at University and then this hopefully will make me more determined to find a good job with lots of money!


P6 communicate technical information to a specifed audience

This is a print screen of the idiots guide that I have been asked to present for an non-technical audience for example some one who is new with ICT.  This evidence comes from Unit 3 and Unit 7 This has been meet the criteria by presenting technical information to a non technical audience and explaing every single stept how to use Windows 7.
This is a printscreen of a presentation that i have been asked to do by Matt for Unit 4 showing developments about Windows 8 and 4G. This is for a technical audience. This has met the criteria by presenting the right amount of details.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


P8 Follow a personal development plan

For P7 I had the same printscreen with my targets for college.

We had to upgrade this plan very often and this is good because you can keep on track with what you have to do and also the tutors can see at what stage you are with their assignemnts. I'm doing good with some tutors and with others I am trying to get pass to can succed to next year.


P7 Produce a personal development plan

  This printscreen is an example of how I have created my targets for college and also assignemnts that I have to complete. My last update was on 4/06/2012 and I hope till next week I will finish all my assignments. Majority of my assignments all done, I can say in porpotion of 95% so I don't need to do too much for last week.


D1 Evaluate interpersonal and written communication techniques

Interpersonal and Written communication techniques
Written communication skills:
 In my assignments I had used different techniques to communicate with other tutors and students such :
-Email - We had to use email at the start of the course to submit the assignments and to keep in touch with tutors. Then they have created 3D learning which is more efficient because you have all the units specification and gradebook in one place. Email is a good way to get in touch with tutors or students because this is the fastest way to reach them. Also is important because you can sent to tutors electronic files such as documents for assignments, a spread sheet
-Written communication - grammar and spelling are very important for all the work that I produce because if you don't use the right terminology the work will make no sense. Often after I finish assignments I ask some people to proofread my work because this is the best way to find errors that you personal will might not be able to found.
-Face to face communication - I'm using face to face communication every day with students talking about different subject or class work and also with tutors about what I have to fix for my assignments.
 Body language the opportunity to watch body language to another person is the benefit of face to face communication. You can assess the other person tone of voice, eye contact and gestures.I'm using body language on a face to face communication when I have to present something to an audience because this makes you get people confidence and make him believe that is right what you are tyring to explain
Interpersonal skills:
A good example of interpersonal skills is positive language. For example when I receive feedback from my tutor I always take it as a positive feedback because I have to agree that is not correct and that I need to improve the assignment. Another intrepersonal skills could be listening skills and this is happen when we interpret both verval and no verbal messages sent by another person.


D2 Review progress on a personal development plan, identifying areas for improvement

 One of my smart tagets was to complete Level 2 Diploma in IT. I achived last year Level 2 Diploma in IT with Distinction star.
My new target is to achieved first year of Level 3 and not just that to continue Level 3 year two to can get enough point for University. Also I need to improve my English which I'm doing that everyday by practising at college and at work. The big evaluation about my English will be on August when I will have an IELTS exam to certify that I can write and speak at a good level.
1 (P1;P2)
Assignments 3
I have created a table to show what assignments I have to finish by 24/05/2013.
Hopefully this week( 4th -7th June ) I will be able to finish all the assginents and then next week I will have time to finish the feedback if is required.

M3 Explain how an awarness of learning style can aid personal development

What learning styles are and why they are important?
There are four different styles of learning :  
Auditory learners will prefer to listen to things being explained than read about them. Other noises may become a distraction so they need a relatively quiet place. Visual learners prefer to learn by looking at graphics or charts but they may have difficulties focusing while listening to explanation .Kinaesthetic learners process information best buy using tools and doing practical. Sitting still while studying may be difficult but writhing things down makes it easier to understand.

What is VAK?
The VAK learning style is a combination between three methods of sensory learning:

-Visual (sight);

-Auditory (sound);

-Kinaesthetic (touch or motion).

What is VARK?

Designed to describe how four distinct types of learners process information. VARK stands from (Visual, Auditory, Read and Kinaesthetic).
When I am studing I'm trying to make my self confortable I also use diffrent colors to highlight the important bulet points that I have to take in consideration.
One of the activities was to do the Hawaii Questionnaire to find out what type of learn I am.
Scoring after the Hawaii Questionnaire: 33 point Visual Preference.
After I finished the Hawaii Questionnaire I score 33 point and they matched my score with a visual style of student. I agree with the result but I think sometimes I’m a bit a tactile student because we studying ICT so sometimes I rather tacking notes on my computer then looking at graphs.